Why Dental Implants are Good For Your Oral Health

Chances are probably good that you’ve heard of dental implants before? However, how much about this tooth replacement option do you actually know? Did you even know that dental implants offer a variety of health benefits for your smile that go beyond just replacing a missing tooth? Find out more about getting dental implants at Ocotillo Trails Family Dentistry in Queen Creek and the many benefits they offer.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

They are as close as you get to natural teeth: If you’ve heard about dentures or dental bridges then you’ve also heard some of the cons about wearing them. For one thing, dentures are notorious for slipping around and moving while talking and eating. This can be particularly frustrating for anyone. However, since dental implants become part of the jawbone not only are they going to stay in place but they actually act and function just like a real tooth. Plus they promise a comparable durability to natural teeth.

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They preserve your facial structure

When you lose a tooth the rest of your natural teeth will begin to shift around to accommodate the gap in your smile. This change in your smile and its alignment will also change your facial structure, causing your cheeks to cave in. Tooth loss can age you as your cheeks sink in and your jawline recedes. However, dental implants can prevent this from happening, while dentures or bridges cannot.

They protect your jawbone

Since the implant becomes a permanent part of the jawbone it prevents it from losing its density, which happens quickly after tooth loss. Dentures or bridges cannot do anything to prevent this jawbone loss from happening; however, dental implants not only preserve the integrity of your jawbone but also promote the growth of new healthy cells.

Want to reap all the benefits that come with getting dental implants in Queen Creek? So do we! We know you’ll love your new smile. The first step is scheduling a consultation. Contact Ocotillo Trails Family Dentistry today to get one step closer to a new smile at (480) 457-1977.

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